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Revolutionizing Pharmaceuticals and Perishable Goods with Real-Time Data from IoT Devices

Written by Per Magne Helseth | Feb 14, 2023 9:04:18 PM

The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about a new era in the world of business, with companies across a range of industries now able to gather real-time data from their products and equipment. In the pharmaceuticals and perishable goods sectors, real-time data from IoT devices is becoming increasingly important for ensuring the safety and quality of products, as well as for improving efficiency and reducing waste.


Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly relying on IoT devices to monitor the temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions in which their products are stored and transported. Many drugs have strict temperature requirements, and even slight variations in temperature can cause them to degrade, lose potency, or become unsafe for use.

Real-time data from IoT devices enables pharmaceutical companies to monitor and maintain the ideal conditions for their products at all times. Sensors placed in storage areas, trucks, and shipping containers can detect any deviations from the target temperature or humidity, and alert personnel to take corrective action. This not only helps to ensure the safety and efficacy of the drugs, but also minimizes the risk of product loss due to spoilage or damage.

In addition, real-time data from IoT devices can help pharmaceutical companies improve their supply chain management. By tracking the location of products and shipments in real-time, companies can optimize their logistics and reduce transit times, which can ultimately lead to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

Perishable Goods

Perishable goods, such as fresh produce and dairy products, are highly sensitive to temperature and other environmental factors. Any deviation from the ideal conditions can cause these products to spoil or become unsafe for consumption.

Real-time data from IoT devices is essential for monitoring and maintaining the proper conditions for perishable goods. Temperature sensors placed in refrigerators, trucks, and shipping containers can detect any fluctuations in temperature, and alert personnel to take corrective action before the products are compromised. This not only helps to ensure the safety and quality of the products, but also minimizes waste and reduces costs associated with spoilage.

In addition, real-time data from IoT devices can help companies in the perishable goods sector optimize their supply chain management. By tracking the location of products and shipments in real-time, companies can ensure that products are delivered on time and in the best possible condition. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased profits for the company.


Real-time data from IoT devices is becoming increasingly important for companies in the pharmaceuticals and perishable goods sectors. By monitoring and maintaining the proper environmental conditions for their products, these companies can ensure the safety and quality of their products, minimize waste, and optimize their supply chain management. As IoT technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions to the unique challenges faced by these industries.